I love dogs, I am a life long learner, and I love being creative. My favorite mediums for creating with are fabric yo-yos, sewing, and crochet. In my spare time, I teach middle-school, and I am currently attending SMU to become a certified Academic Language Therapist. This is my crafting journey.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Made this little ornament in 2007 way before the book was published with my idea in it. You know who you are. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas
This picture is dedicated to Rachel Fergueson. Thanks to my sister-in-law, Soli, for snapping this picture.
Crazy Christmas Tree Ornaments
I decided to make crazy Christmas trees out of scraps and snowman bells. I added a yo-yo on top for good measure. I haven't decided who will be the lucky person who gets these ornaments.
Christmas Tags
This is a clever way to reuse your left over Christmas cards. I made these with my mamma's cards from 2009, and I used a tag punch. Now I am ready for Christmas package wrapping. Merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Snowman Clothespins Wreath
I used my snowman ornaments to make a friend this wreath which can be used for pictures and for Christmas cards. Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Stack of Scarves-Tutorial
I used Hometown USA yarn from Lionbrand to make these scarves. A friend of mine requested I make her scarves out of this luscious yarn. I used a treble stitch and whipped up a batch of these pretty babies. It's cold enough here in North Texas and a good scarf is all you need.
As a gift to you here is how I made this scarf:
Chain 9.
In the 5th chain treble crochet. Repeat 5 more times.
Finish row with a treble crochet.
Chain 4. Turn.
Skip the first treble crochet and make a treble crochet in the next space.
Repeat 42 more times.
Tie off.
When tying on be sure to tie new yarn at the end of a row. Have enough yarn, so that it can be woven in and stitched over with a treble crochet.
Cut 24 pieces of yarn at 30 inches long. Match two pieces together, so that it is doubled over. With the loops in your left hand making a u shape, pull through the end of the scarf. Bring the tails through the loop and pull tight. Do this 12 more times. Snip the loops once tied.
S-35, Lionbrand.
Enjoy. Please email me with questions, if my directions do not make sense. Thanks.
Merry Christmas!
As a gift to you here is how I made this scarf:
Chain 9.
In the 5th chain treble crochet. Repeat 5 more times.
Finish row with a treble crochet.
Chain 4. Turn.
Skip the first treble crochet and make a treble crochet in the next space.
Repeat 42 more times.
Tie off.
When tying on be sure to tie new yarn at the end of a row. Have enough yarn, so that it can be woven in and stitched over with a treble crochet.
Cut 24 pieces of yarn at 30 inches long. Match two pieces together, so that it is doubled over. With the loops in your left hand making a u shape, pull through the end of the scarf. Bring the tails through the loop and pull tight. Do this 12 more times. Snip the loops once tied.
S-35, Lionbrand.
Enjoy. Please email me with questions, if my directions do not make sense. Thanks.
Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Glittery Snowman WIP
Getting ready for Christmas by keeping with tradition and making ornaments with my sister-in-law over the Thanksgiving holiday. We made these ornaments by spray-painting clothespins white and sprinkling with glitter. I am so blessed to be able to spend time with her. Happy Thanksgiving. Stay tuned for the final ornament.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My Little Pumpkins
Finally got my terriers to sit together and to sit still. Here Gracie and Sammy are modeling their handmade sweaters. I love my little my little babies.
Yo-yo Eyeball Detail for Patchwork Puppy
Since the holidays are fast approaching, why not make a patchwork scottie for somebody you love? This pattern has been around for years, but Denyse Schmidt has written up the directions for making this easy project. I made this in July 2008. Therefore, I used 27+27+30=84, 5 inch squares total. I used two charm packs, and I had to cut the other thirty out by hand.
Happy crafting and don't forget to use your Clover Yo-Yo makers to make the cute little eyes for your new friend.
Happy crafting and don't forget to use your Clover Yo-Yo makers to make the cute little eyes for your new friend.
Monday, November 1, 2010
A Platterful Pumpkins
I made simple orange and white pumpkins out of the Jumbo Yo-yo maker. The other yo-yo pumpkins are from a kit I bought at Mary Maxim. There are two different examples of yo-yo pumpkins. I love them both. The orange and white pumpkins are going to be pin cushions.
Fall Table Setting 2010
I love my Fall tradition. Such a warm and inviting space, and I wish we could meet for dinner. A new addition this year are the acorn dishes I picked up at Michael's.
Googly-eyed Bangles
Martha Stewart, this season, showed the bangles with the googly-eyes. I couldn't help myself; I had to try this project out. My students were taken by surprised when I wore my new bangles to school today. It's all part of a plot to act weird, therefore, they will not know how to behave. Look into my eyes. You are getting sleepy. Haha.
Gracie Gets a Spidery Halloween Tutu
My not so thrilled Gracie made my day because she rumbled around the house in her new tutu. Love the glittery, velveteen spiders.
Ice Cream Cone Witch Hat
Happy Halloween. Go Rangers! Halloween is over and the Rangers just lost the World Series. It has been a busy October. I made the ice cream cone as kind of a dare. My friend didn't think I would go through with an ice cream cone costume for Halloween. Boy was she surprised. Scary, huh?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Doggie Banana Split
Keeping with the ice cream cone theme for Halloween, I found this doggie costume at Target yesterday. Had a good giggle over the look on the puppy's face, and no I didn't buy it for my Sammy.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ice Cream Cone Costume
If only I had time, I would make this fun costume for me, and I will have to come up with something different. I clicked this picture from the magazine Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Publication Halloween. I love creativity.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Smarty Girl Bag
The pattern for my bag was designed by Heather Bailey. The owl, I purchased from a vendor at the Funky Finds craft show last Spring Fling. It was nice to make a new bag because it has been such a long time.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Emeril's Three Cheese Baked Macaroni
Oh it's fall, and I start to crave mac and cheese. This was in my Everyday Food Magazine October 2010 edition. Love the spicy, garlicky and bacony taste, and it is super easy to make.
Scrappy Pin Cushion Swap From Algoda'o

Scrappy Pin Cushion Swap From Algoda'o, originally uploaded by aaaandreaaaa.
Thanks for the goodies algodao.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Scrappy Pincushion Swap
I am participating in swap, and I made this for my partner. Pattern is made by Fig Tree Threads and is called Cherry Blossoms. I used a tart pan for the base, and I didn't use batting like the pattern suggested. I used a heavy interfacing instead. I hope she likes it?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Texas Hankie Pillow
Moda, fabric designer, printed these cool hankies. I finally got around to making this printed panel into a fun, kitschy pillow. I love how the ball-fringe made the bluebonnets pop. Happy sewing.
Recycled Neck-tie Pouches
Made these recycled neck-tie pouches for a friend's birthday. A different friend of mine gave me some of their neck-ties from their collection. Anyway, I made these pouches using Country Living Magazine's directions, June 2010. I kept the advertising on them for a cool look. Very easy to make, and I plan to make more of them.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Family Togetherness
I am thankful for my three day weekend and the time off. School has been in session for two weeks, and I have started worrying about my students which weighs heavily on my mind. Traveled to Oklahoma, and I spent some quality time with ma and pa. While in Oklahoma we celebrated my niece's birthday, and I helped my parents continue to get settled into their new place. I forget, until I visit Oklahoma how windy it is. The wind in Oklahoma is brutal right now, due to the tropical depression moving and shaking in the Golf Coast. We need the rain terribly, and I can't wait to get back to school feeling rested. Thanks to my dad for snapping the picture of the babies and me.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Check Out Gracie's Pumpkin Sweater and Sammy's Heggie
Extremely exhausted from my first week of school, so I relaxed a lot. While sitting on the couch, I made Gracie and Sammy both new sweaters. This is Gracie in her new sweater and Sammy is holding his hedgehog. We are ready for winter. I used Hometown USA yarn by Lion Brand to make this incredibly soft sweater, and the color is called Syracuse Orange. They are both waiting on their daddy to get out of the bathroom. :)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Meet the Teacher Night
Here is mini me during Meet the Teacher Night. I love how my handmade tunic came out. I used Anna Maria Horner Anna Maria Horner's tunic tutorial, and the her fabric washed up super nice. My new tunic was easy to wear and very comfortable for Meet the Teacher Night. Bring on my new students.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Scotties In The Mail!
I made these Scotties for Rebecca and the pattern I used is from Bunny Hill Designs, Allie #1066. Rebecca made me the most awesome pet portrait of my Curly and Sammy. Her art and generosity touched me so much, that I had to repay her with a small favor. I am really glad she likes the pups. Can't wait to see them on her Christmas tree. Permission was granted to use this picture from Rebecca at Artpaw. Enjoy Rebecca. Thanks.
My New Hat Has a New Flower
Went to Hobby Lobby, one of my favorite stores, and picked up this lovely little felt flower. I really wanted to embellish something with it, so I found a hat at another store. Fabri-tac is my friend, and I don't know what I would do without it? I love the woven fabric because it looks like denim, but it's not. That is what is so cool about my hat. This is a simple fun summer project, and I'm ready for Thanksgiving.
By the way, I found out I am dyslexic. I never would have guessed I would be. I have many years of trying to hold things together when it comes to learning. I never gave up. Thanks to the Reading Specialists in Mansfield for helping me get tested.
By the way, I found out I am dyslexic. I never would have guessed I would be. I have many years of trying to hold things together when it comes to learning. I never gave up. Thanks to the Reading Specialists in Mansfield for helping me get tested.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Megan's Tote Bag
I used my IKEA fabric for making this cute little back to school tote bag for a student I tutor. Can't wait to give it to her. Not only that, I'm making a few more for my two best college gals going off to start another chapter in their lives. Good luck to all my gals. I love ya'll.
My New Old Desk, my New Sewing Machine, and my New Sewing Machine Cover

My New Old Desk, my New Sewing Machine, and my New Sewing Machine Cover, originally uploaded by aaaandreaaaa.
Also, I finally set up my new sewing machine. I love my new Singer Confidence. It works like a dream. No more tension issues anymore. I use to have a Simple Singer, but it couldn't handle the workload. I am so glad that my mom helped me get a new sewing machine. My former AVID tutor took the old one off of my hands. I am very grateful for her help. I wish her all the best when she goes to college in a few weeks. Good luck.
Lastly, I bought a Dritz sewing machine cover for my new sewing machine. The cover was too big, so I altered it and added my favorite ribbon to take in the sides.
Give'em the Boot
Notice how I labeled my bins? I really want to stay organized. Because I broke my foot last summer I am making up for lost organizing time.
Fabulous Closet Organization
This is what I have done with my summer; I have organized my closet. I just hope it stays this way.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Drommar Pans
Picked these pans up at IKEA in Plano on my way home from SMU. The cake pans are Swedish horses. I love the happy effect. Had to fix Morty because he was a little droopy. Now, he stands up right. It's great to be home. Now to enjoy the rest of my summer.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Picture Love
Picture pick up day. I love how my picture turned out. Rebecca did a great job. Thanks Rebecca.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Hat Pin Cushions
These lovely yo-yo hat pin cushions were made by pinkpaisley. They are just adorable. Just another yo-yo favorite. These would be fun and super easy to make. Thanks pinky for letting me blog about your project. Hugs.
Scrappy Pincushion Pass from aaaandreaaa
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Multisensory Language Instruction as a Research Based Curriculum
This is not a normal blog post for me. It isn't about my dogs or my crafts; it's about my job and one of my passions. Therefore, I wanted to share some information about the educational aspect of what I do. I began school last July 2009 at SMU, and I am currently working at being an Academic Language Therapist. This assignment was written in APA format, but it didn't translate in blogger the way that I wanted. Every attempt was made to edit this paper correctly and give the proper people credit for their work. Please forgive. Thanks. Best Regards.
MSLE as a Research Based Curriculum
Andrea E. Rice
EDU 6231, Intro Course C
Instructor Janna Jones
June 30, 2010
MSLE as a Research Based Curriculum
The Multisensory Structured Language Educational approaches are dedicated to, systematic, direct teaching of the organization of language. Therefore, the following terms are synonymous with MSLE: simultaneous, multisensory, systematic, cumulative and diagnostic. However, there are two key factor in this direct instruction – direct teaching of all concepts with continuous interaction between teacher and student; and diagnostic teaching – the teacher must be adept at prescriptive or individualized teaching (Class handout, Summer 2009, EDU 6330)
MSLE is designed to be taught one hour a day five days a week. This is very important because of the necessity and benefit of the daily practice and review. The hour is divided into sections by schedule. A typical schedule of learning looks like this: For several weeks History of Language is taught. It is followed by alphabet practice, which mainly focuses on sequence and providing a tactile experience with three dimensional letters. Once finished, the learner moves on to the Reading Decks, which are divided into two sections, naming the letter and naming the keyword and sound. Once these concepts are reviewed, the learner moves to the Spelling Deck activity which includes the student echoing the teacher’s sound, names the letter made by that sound and then writes the letter. The New Introduction is the ‘discovery’ portion of the lesson, where the student is presented new learning based on previous knowledge and is guided toward ‘discovering’ the new situation and typically this is an auditory experience. Handwriting practice then follows the new discovery part of lesson where the student names the letters and tells the hand what to do. Continuing the schedule of lessons and moving from handwriting practice, the student begins Spelling which consists of the teacher's dictating the word and the student spelling the word orally. Then on to Verbal Expression which involves the student's practicing verbal communication within appropriate contextual situations and this strategy usually consists of role-playing. Wrapping up the learning part of the schedule is called Review; it is just that review of the new learning introduced in the new concept introduction during the auditory discovery section of the lesson. Lastly, the Listening part of the lesson is for the student to continue their educational learning when they are not secure in reading independently. This allows the student to continue working on their listening comprehension and their verbal communication. Amazingly, all of these components make up a successful multisensory structured language education program (Cox, 1992).
Clearly, research will lead the way and demonstrate the need for this teaching technique to be used in all educational settings. However, while the research to find the benefits of multisensory structured language education is still being collected and evaluated, I offer one small example of a success story based on my own teaching experience. I began working with a student on November 2, 2009, and we have worked for four hours per week since. The week of April 19-23 of 2010 the eighth graders got their reading TAKs scores back. My student increased his confidence and reading ability, but had yet to see results for himself in a way that meant something to him. The result of his state reading achievement score, Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills-TAKs was that he had missed only three questions and, therefore, was commended for the first time in his life on the state reading test. He now understands the importance of this therapy, and he is excited to learn more. Another impressive part about the therapy is that his processing and response time has increased. This is due to the multisensory teaching techniques and the daily review of key concepts such as key word and sound, spelling response practice, alphabet practice, and practice of the rules and concepts of our language structure. New material requires practice and review to move the information from short term memory to long term memory so the student can develop mastery of new concepts. In other words, the gradual building of the foundational education that every child truly deserves must include multisensory language instruction. Seeing results firsthand of this incredible system of teaching proves that it absolutely works.
Birsh, J.R. (2006). What is Multisensory structured language. Perspectives, 32(4), 15-20
Birsh, J. R. (Ed.). (2005). Multisensory teaching of basic language skills. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Cox, A.R. (1992). Foundations for literacy. Cambridge, MA: Educators Publishing Service, Inc.
Class handout from EDU 6330, Summer 2009 Orton-Gillingham-based Multisensory structured language approaches, Information adapted from “Clinical Studies of Multisensory Structured Language Education for Students with Dyslexia and Disorders: International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Curly & Sammy
Had this art piece created by a fabulous local artist in Dallas, TX. I am super excited to share her work of my babies. Here is the link to my proofs. This is her flickr link. Check out her work and see for yourself! Thanks Rebecca Collins. Hugs.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Blossom Pin Cushion
Oh partner...you will be getting this one too. I guess you didn't like the spider? I know, it isn't the most practical, but it sure was fun to make. If you haven't received a pinnie, I hope you like it? This one will be showing up at your door very soon. The chocolate fabric is Tula Pink from Hushabye and so is the green tear drop. The rest of the fabrics are reproduction fabrics. I don't like to stay within one line of fabric, therefore, see if you can figure out how the colors are all related? Here is a link to the swap I am in; it is called Scrapy Pin Cushion Swap. This idea came from the I Love Patchwork book. Here is a link to her flickr account and the author's blog. I used the Clover Yo-yo Maker large to complete my project.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Fresh Corn Salsa
I will save the fresh corn for later. For now the fresh corn salsa will have to do.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Twenty Minute Tote Bag
One down and three more to go. I am making tote bags from a pattern on the purl bee blog. During the second week of June, I will be presenting a workshop to fellow teachers about the book entitled "Naked Reading". Our workshop should be fun because I am working with another Reading Specialist; we make a great team. I can't wait to give these out as prizes. There will be more totes made from this pattern during the next few days. You can see the picture from flickr here. My fabric is from Moda, and it is called Peas & Carrots by American Jane Patterns by Sandy Klop. Only three more days of work and summer vacation starts. Yippee.
Monday, May 31, 2010
In Honor of Memorial Day
Love the simplicty of this display. Here's to remembering those that fought for me. Thanks for all of your courage and strength.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Nope. I Didn't Lick the Paint off the Wall. It Wasn't Me.
The beauty of owning a new puppy. Yes the title is correct; she licked the paint off my wall. Gotta love a terrier.....
A Sign of the Times
Finished up TAKs tutoring this last week and my students retake the test this week. Discovered this sign in a co-worker's classroom, so I can't take credit for it. However, only a few more weeks until summer vacation, and I can hardly wait to craft up a storm.
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